Moving the blog –

Our tech stacks matter. It’s easiest to use products made by big companies, but in the online world, doing so means you don’t own your stuff, the oligarchs who own the companies own your stuff. I’m not a fan of oligarchs. I’ve been blogging for more than 20+ years and have moved this site a few times. And the time has come to move it again.                                                                             Illustration by Tom Worth, in Blueprint 2025It’s going over here – philanthropy2173.ghost.ioIf you subscribed to the blog, you’re subscribed over there. If you’re reading this on LinkedIN, please subscribe directly at will take me some time to migrate everything over, so I’ll be holding on to the blogger site for awhile. But not for long – paying for two sites ain’t cheap. Getting the off the blog name costs even more, bear with me, please.

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